Analyst Group Comment on the Outcome of STENOCARE’s Conditional Rights Issue
Bildkälla: Stockfoto

Analyst Group Comment on the Outcome of STENOCARE’s Conditional Rights Issue

On January 22nd, STENOCARE announced the outcome of the conditional rights issue, which was subscribed to approximately 37.7%. Moreover, guaranteed commitments from Exelity AB amounting to 7.3% will be activated to achieve a subscription rate of 45%, which will provide STENOCARE with DKK 9.1m in gross proceeds in order to execute on the STENOCARE 3.0 strategy.

On January 22nd, STENOCARE announced the outcome of the conditional rights issue, which was subscribed to approximately 37.7%. Moreover, guaranteed commitments from Exelity AB amounting to 7.3% will be activated to achieve a subscription rate of 45%, which will provide STENOCARE with DKK 9.1m in gross proceeds in order to execute on the STENOCARE 3.0 strategy.
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