Gofore: Another sales miss in February - SEB
Bildkälla: Stockfoto

Gofore: Another sales miss in February - SEB

Gofore's monthly sales data continued to miss our forecast in February, as sales in the month declined by 9% y/y. Although the day-adjusted decline was just 4%, we find the number somewhat disappointing and suggesting continued demand uncertainty. Headcount remained flat, as we expected. Daily sales/FTE was down 5% y/y, meaning likely declining profitability in Q1 from the previous year, although that should already be expected by markets, in our view.

Gofore's monthly sales data continued to miss our forecast in February, as sales in the month declined by 9% y/y. Although the day-adjusted decline was just 4%, we find the number somewhat disappointing and suggesting continued demand uncertainty. Headcount remained flat, as we expected. Daily sales/FTE was down 5% y/y, meaning likely declining profitability in Q1 from the previous year, although that should already be expected by markets, in our view.
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